The consortium

We’re specialists and global leaders in disability and development from more than 20 international organisations.

We’re funded by UK aid and USAID and work with the public and private sectors, people with disabilities and the organisations representing them to ensure there are equal opportunities for everyone and a global future that’s disability inclusive.

Other contributors


PENDA (Programme for Evidence to Inform Disability Action) is working with Inclusive Futures to evaluate which of our inclusion interventions have the greatest impact on the lives of people with disabilities.


Source is an international online resource centre on disability and inclusion and where most of Inclusive Futures' evaluation and learning documents can be found.


Inclusive Futures partner, Social Development Direct, runs the research and advice service for the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) and the UK Government and its specific helpdesk on disability inclusion.


The Innovation to Inclusion (i2i) programme is led by Inclusive Futures partner Leonard Cheshire and works to ensure people with disabilities are actively recruited and retained in meaningful employment in the private sector. i2i works closely with Inclusive Futures Work programme.

A group of four businesspeople talk while sitting around a table

Who we work with in-country

A group of four businesspeople talk while sitting around a table

Our partners vary depending on the region and area of work, but they always include representation from people with disabilities. Here are examples of the types of organisations we work with:

  • Representative organisations of people with disabilities
  • Individual disabled people’s organisations
  • Regional and local disabled people’s forums
  • Ministries of education, health and employment
  • Private sector businesses and commercial enterprises
  • Teacher training colleges
  • Job seekers and employers
  • Educational assessment centres
  • Health workers
  • Inclusive education organisations
  • Curriculum development centres
  • Early childhood development networks
  • Health training colleges