Education for all in Bangladesh

The Shober Jonno Shikha (Education for All) project aims to improve educational outcomes and provide equal access to education for children with disabilities.

A group of school students in Bangladesh look at the blackboard in the classroom as their teacher writes on the board.

About the project

This innovative project in Bangladesh aims to strengthen systems for enrolling, retaining and providing quality primary education for children with disabilities.

Shober Jonno Shikha (Education for All) will work with 45 schools in Narshingdi and Sirajganj districts of Bangladesh.

It is funded by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) and managed by Sightsavers, working with ADD, Sense International, national non-governmental organisations and organisations of people with disabilities.

The project addresses the challenge of lack of education access and quality for children with disabilities aged five to 10 – a situation made worse by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the education system. It aims to develop the capacity of schools and their surrounding communities to support the education of children with disabilities, while working closely with government ministries and agencies to promote broader system strengthening. The consortium also advocates for the rights of children with disabilities through the Back to School Alliance in Bangladesh.

We will ensure the Directorate of Primary Education (DPE) and the Ministry of Primary and Mass Educaton (MOPME) are aware of project achievements, and we will identify ways in which Ministry of Social Welfare, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, and Ministry of Local Government can promote ‘joined up’ support for children with disabilities and their families.

At a glance

  • Where: Bangladesh
  • When: January 2021
  • Partners: Sightsavers, ADD International, Sense International

Project snapshot

Learn more about the project and what it aims to achieve.

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What approaches will we use?

Home-based education for children with severe/complex/multiple disabilities

Children with complex and severe disabilities need sustained stimulation and targeted support to develop their skills and self-confidence. Community workers will provide one-to-one home-based support and will help parents support their children’s development, such as by teaching them daily living skills. Most of these children will be enrolled in primary schools, although home-based education will continue for those who do not transition to formal education.

Ensuring organisations of people with disabilities are involved

Disability groups will advocate with the government for targeted investment in education. Within communities, they will raise awareness about the importance of education by engaging with parents, community leaders, officials, school management committees and parent-teacher associations. In schools, OPD members will use their experience to advise teachers on inclusive education approaches, and will help to audit schools to make them more accessible.

Strengthening the education system both nationally and locally

This project aims to strengthen the education system at national, district and local levels by demonstrating cost effective, contextually appropriate approaches and raising awareness among policymakers and implementers. We will ensure education ministries are aware of project achievements and identify ways they can promote joined-up support for children and their families, such as by ensuring children can be assessed and given follow-up where needed.

Project partners

Sightsavers logo.
ADD International logo
Sense International logo