Manisha Maharjan: “Inclusion benefits everyone, not just those directly impacted”

October 2024

Manisha is project manager for Humanity & Inclusion and leads our education project in Nepal, funded by UK aid under Inclusive Futures.

She was awarded a place at the prestigious Hilton Humanitarian Prize Laureate Virtual Leadership Institute Summit in October 2024, which offers talented humanitarian professionals a chance to grow their professional networks and leadership skills.

Manisha’s story

“I live in Kathmandu, Nepal, and work as a project manager at Humanity & Inclusion in Nepal. As part of Inclusive Futures, I lead on a major project which focuses on ensuring children with disabilities in Nepal have access to quality, inclusive education.

“I oversee the coordination, implementation, and evaluation of our initiatives aimed at creating more accessible learning environments. I work closely with schools, communities, and local governments to promote inclusive education practices – ensuring every child has the opportunity to learn and thrive.

“I’m also involved in evidencing the lessons learned from our work under Inclusive Futures. I share these insights in various forums, like the Hilton Summit, with the goal of scaling and replicating our achievements. This process of sharing knowledge is crucial for expanding our impact and advancing inclusive education initiatives in Nepal and around the world.”

A space to grow, connect and create lasting change

“When I came across the Hilton Humanitarian Prize Laureate Leadership Institute, it felt like a perfect fit for what I wanted to achieve. Going through the selection process was exciting, and when I found out I’d been chosen, I was thrilled!

“The programme provides hands-on leadership training, networking opportunities, and a chance to collaborate with other passionate professionals from around the world. What I love most is how practical it is – everything you learn can be applied directly to the work you do, making a real difference in the communities you serve. It’s a space to grow, connect, and create lasting change.

“In early October, I’ll attend a Summit with the Institute in Los Angeles. I’m really excited about the opportunity to share the work we’ve been doing on inclusive education through Inclusive Futures. It’s a chance to highlight our achievements and hopefully spark new collaborations that can take our work even further. I’m also looking forward to learning from other leaders and gaining fresh insights that can help strengthen our initiatives. The partnerships and ideas that come from events like this are always so inspiring!”

Opening doors so every child can reach their potential

“Inclusion in education is crucial because it gives every child, no matter their abilities or background, the chance to learn and grow in a supportive environment. When schools are inclusive, they embrace diversity and help students feel valued, which leads to better social integration and understanding. It’s not just about giving equal opportunities – it’s about ensuring every child can reach their full potential and contribute to society in their own unique way. Ultimately, inclusion benefits everyone, not just those directly impacted.

“What motivates me most is seeing the real, positive changes we’re making in the lives of children with disabilities. There’s nothing quite like watching a child thrive in an inclusive environment, knowing that our efforts played a part in creating that opportunity for them. It’s incredibly rewarding, and it fuels my passion to keep going. The chance to make education more equitable and to open doors for every child to reach their potential is what drives me every day. It’s about creating lasting, meaningful change.

“What I’m most proud of from our work with Inclusive Futures is how we’ve been able to reach children who were hidden from society – some were isolated at home, even chained. Through our efforts, we’ve brought these children out into the community. Some have even started attending school for the first time. Knowing we’ve helped transform their lives and given them a future is truly what drives me.

“One of my biggest takeaways from this work is the power of deeply understanding the local context and needs, especially when working with marginalised groups like children with disabilities. It’s not enough to just create programs – you need to ensure they can be adapted to truly meet the community where they are. I’d encourage other professionals to focus on building trust within the community and making inclusion a priority. It’s about empowering people, not just providing solutions, and understanding that real, lasting change takes collaboration, patience, and flexibility.”

Manisha is wearing an orange jacket and smiling at the camera. Behind her is a banner saying 'Atlas Corps.'

Manisha Maharjan

Project manager, Humanity & Inclusion

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